Tuesday, December 31, 2013

December 31st, 2013

As 2013 ends, I feel like looking back on some amazing events of the past year. Some heartbreak and sad times too.....I'd like to mention them as a thing that once was and can now be forgotten.

January-I turned 28. I remember that month as being especially festive. I think I saw my siblings a lot. I accomplished a very sexy 60's look for the staff party at City Feed. No pictures.

February- my relationship of 2+ years ended. It was amicable but very sad.

March- St. Patrick's day was especially (un) memorable. My sister had to almost carry me home. Thanks T. Started visiting NH more. Started to make a plan for my career and life....so I thought.

April- Went on a date with someone I knew from high school. Instant connection. Instant love.

May-Started a new relationship. Over the moon happy! Started to reconsider my "plan". My sister moved in with me. My ex moved out. Got a car for the first time in 8 years.

June-Decided to move to NH with my love. Told my employer I was leaving. Not an easy decision/conversation to have. I had worked there for 5 years and was on track to run (officially) the store.

July- July was just fun! Beaches, NH, love, the park.

August- my job ended. I moved to NH. Last beach day I got so badly burned I STILL can see tan lines.

September- settled into a lovely house. Started to focus on my Etsy business.

October- did a detox. Results were good. Starting one again soon! For the first time in years I did not buy cigarettes this month. Nor did I crave anything maple or pumpkin. I went on many walks and really enjoyed the changing of the seasons.

November-Got a new job. Started doing craft fairs. Made the best Thanksgiving meal ever (Will agreed).

December- Re-learned how to drive in snow. Made a snow angel. Almost sold out of all the things I had made over the Fall. Keep falling more and more in love. Celebrated the Solstice instead of Christmas. New tradition!

I am very excited for 2014. New Year's is always a time when people decide they need to change everything in their life. Or make all these new goals. I just want to keep being strong. Learn more about who I am. Learn more about who I am in this relationship. Keep loving. Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. <3 interesting reading this now. i wonder what the 2015 retrospective would report?
